Guitar Secrets: Symmetrical Scales Revealed

Diminished and Whole Tone Scales

ÉDITION MUSICALE: Alfred Music Publications
TYPE DE PRODUIT: Recueil avec CD
In this book, legendary guitarist and educator Don Mock exposes the closely guarded 'secret' soloing techniques of jazz and rock giants, revealing easy ways to create ultra-cool sounding lines and patterns by substituting simplediminished and augmented patterns over dominant 7th chords. Containing
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Subtitle Diminished and Whole Tone Scales
Compositeur Don Mock
Édition musicale Alfred Music Publications
Instrumentation Guitare
Text language Anglais
Type de produit Recueil avec CD
Instrument Group Guitare
Année d'édition 2004
Genre Méthode
ISBN 9780757994388
UPC 654979038313
Nombre de pages 64
No. ALF000666B
In this book, legendary guitarist and educator Don Mock exposes the closely guarded 'secret' soloing techniques of jazz and rock giants, revealing easy ways to create ultra-cool sounding lines and patterns by substituting simplediminished and augmented patterns over dominant 7th chords.

Containing over 70 music examples, lines, licks and patterns, this book/CD package approaches the potentially complex topics of soloing and scale substitution from aplayer's perspective, immediately presenting useful lines and patterns that you can now use. All music is written in standard notation and tablature and all music examples are contained on the included CD.

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